Wednesday, July 24, 2013

WI Officials Finally ID Looming Crisis

60 singers spotted converging on State Capitol:


  1. And an "illegal assembly" was proclaimed. As I walked by the Capitol at 12:40 pm, the Solidarity Singers were singing outdoors on the grounds. Some held signs warning of arrest if tourists entered the Capitol.

    What a misguided bunch in the state Dept. of Administration.

  2. the Capitol is no longer the People's Building, I guess.

    Wonder if that was one of the ones up for sale? It would make sense, I guess. A privately-owned building full of privately-owned legislators.

  3. I suggest a very large turnout tomorrow.

  4. I will be there.

  5. I love this post and comment string today. Makes me happy to be. Thanks James, Zombie, and two Anony-mouses.

  6. Maybe they should try doing something positive instead of interfering with state business and annoying families and children visiting the building.

  7. Anonymous @ 9:33 is right. The Republicans in the legislature need to start doing something positive, rather than being destructive, interfering and annoying...

    Children visiting the demonstrations, however, are receiving a WONDERFUL real life lesson in participatory democracy as well as state intimidation and coercive misuse of force.

  8. At least they are not running away and hiding in another state like petulant children.


  9. At least they are not running away and hiding in another state like petulant children.

    yeah, because ignoring the legislative process, screaming and breaking things in the Chamber, and signing hideous, misogynistc laws in secret is SOOOOO mature...

    you're so funny, Judy. What are you, 15?
