Monday, July 15, 2013

Sierra Club Files Complaint Over GTAC's Unlicensed Guards

We'll follow this closely:
The Sierra Club today filed a complaint with the Iron County District Attorney’s office regarding the illegal activities undertaken by Bulletproof Securities while employed by Gogebic Taconite (GTAC) recently. The Sierra Club has also requested the state Department of Safety and Professional Services deny a license application by Bulletproof Securities to operate as a Private Detective/Security Agency in Wisconsin based on the same violations. 
“Ignorance is no excuse for violating state law” said John Muir Chapter Director Shahla Werner, PhD. “There is no justification for openly carrying assault weapons without a license. Gogebic Taconite has admitted that it hired Bulletproof and that Bulletproof was not licensed to operate here at any time. The violations are numerous and if convicted, Bulletproof Securities should be barred from holding a license and operating in Wisconsin.”


  1. Good for Sierra Club. Now let's see some lawsuits against the actions of the mine operation itself.

  2. More here James.

    Click on the heading: "Attorney Stella Writes to DA and State Re Mercenaries"

    Attorney Stella Writes to DA and State Re Mercenaries

  3. More here James-

    Another attorney filed a complaint.
