Friday, July 19, 2013

Obama Speaks About Trayvon Martin, Fox Gets Ugly

After the President's remarks today, a Fox host posted this on Facbook and it got thousands of "likes."I guess in post-racial America, the President is not allowed his opinion:
Todd Starnes4 hours ago near New York, NY 
President Obama is now our Race-Baiter in Chief. His remarks today on the Trayvon Martin tragedy are beyond reprehensible.  
"Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago," he said. He actually said the outcome might have been different if Trayvon had been white.  
Folks - we have reached a very dangerous point in this nation when the president of the united states begins to question the judicial system.

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5,153 people like this.

Not to be outdone, US Senator and authentic Know-Nothing Ted Cruz, (R-TX), ripped into Obama's words without even seeing or reading the text - - and from Iowa.


  1. It is remarkable how President Obama really brings out the white supremacist in these people.

    Nothing he said is remarkable, or controversial. But it is a powerful black man, acknowledging the societal and structural and personal attitudes arrayed against them.

    And that is the last thing that the white supremacists can tolerate.

  2. JR, I do not envy you the moderation of comments on this post.

  3. Ted Cruz- Well what can you expect from a right-wing, border-jumping Canadian?

  4. Anyone who says Obama is starting a race war for stating the truth, is probably wanting to start one because of their own racism.

    I don't always agree with Obama's policies, but he hit the nail on the head in that speech.
