Thursday, July 25, 2013

Lisa Kaiser Tracks Scott Walker, Traveling Man Traveling First-Class

A hat tip would be insufficient, so here is a major shout of praise and gratitude to the Shepherd's indispensable Lisa Kaiser for culling the high and low lights from Scott Walker's voluminous campaign finance report.

She tracks Walker campaign spending, from high-flyin' private jets to a Hooters. First -rate public-interest journalism, here.


  1. Funny how Kaiser can do this work, while the Journal-Sentinel decides not to be curious when the Guv reports spending $2.4 MILLION in an election that won't happen for 15 more months.

    It's almost like David Haynes is telling Bice and company to go after unions and stay away from looking into Walker. Almost...

    Kaiser consistently scoops the "legit" paper in Milwaukee, and did so again here

    1. That's why the Journal-Sentinel hasn't had a Pulitzer on its masthead since Walker took office.

  2. He is reimbursing DOA for costs related to travel in the state owned plane. This is disgusting. That plane is to be used for official business by all state employees. He evidently feels comfortable monopolizing its use for his personal gain. I have nothing but contempt for this elected official who has been campaigning for President since the day he was elected Governor.
