Monday, July 29, 2013

Imitation Being The Sincerest Form Of Flattery, So...

The Solidarity Singers were complimented today, though singing Righties bearing Twinkies emphasized the artificiality.


  1. wow, they are awfully supportive of Big Gubmint there. I thought permits were evidence of creeping fascism.

  2. A little fresh air might be good for the cheapskate singers.

  3. The twinkies are in reference to Hostess going bankrupt, stealing the pensions of union workers, giving the CEO and Board HUGE raises, then selling everything and reopening as a nonunion enterprise in a right to work state. It is sick that these people are rejoicing in corporate fraud and elimination of family supporting jobs.

  4. @anon 7:14

    Anyone can make twinkies. Even undocumented workers with false ID's can make twinkies. Don't blame CEO's for making money legally with cheap, willing-to-work-to-send-money-home, labor. Democrats want the border open, not conservatives.
