Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Ron Johnson Encouraging Distrust Of Government

Remind me again why this man is drawing a government paycheck?
"We are witnessing the IRS scandal, we are witnessing the lies surrounding Benghazi, we are witnessing the very legitimate concern and debate about the NSA. I wish Americans would take that outrage and concern about the loss of freedom that those examples represent, and I wish they would apply that in a broader sense. … We need to apply this dysfunction, this moment in history when America is rightfully distrusting the federal government over these other scandals. We have got to make sure that they apply that to the government in total."


  1. Imagine that Chicken Little Johnson had applied his sunspotted analysis to Wisconsin:

    “ We are witnessing the campaign scandal and the misuse of taxpayer funds at WEDC, we are witnessing the lies surrounding job creation, we are witnessing the very legitimate concern and debate about the Gogebic Mine, mandatory transvaginal ultrasounds, and Act 10. I wish Wisconsinites would take that outrage and concern about the loss of freedom that those examples represent, and I wish they would apply that in a broader sense. … We need to apply this dysfunction, this moment in history when Wisconsin is rightfully distrusting the state government over these other scandals. We have got to make sure that they apply that to the state government in total and recall Walker and the entire GOP state caucus in 2014."

    NOW yer talkin’, RoJo.

  2. Oh for Pete's sake, phoning it in today are we? nice beach weather? drowsy with sun? -
    Johnson is in control of/encouraging distrust of Gov't? Without his negativity it would all be rainbows and unicorns? And he's a "chicken little"? Even though the commenter went on to make another point, that phrase is weird and misleading.
    It's probably time non-Tea Party people moved beyond the concept that the Teas are all about Gubmint Distrust. They got to the beginning of the PR line on that, it was one of their key messaging strengths. Of course they share space at in line with some on the marginalized "Left" who have been miserable for years, before the Teas were a gleam in the MSM's eye. You know, those folks many Dem party folks try to shove to the back of the bus (and succeed with bells on).
    Perhaps we could recall that the man Ron J replaced (his name is Russ, he's going to Africa) was not an icon of Government TRUST through a long and illustrious career. Though he conducted himself with infinitely greater intelligence, wisdom, tact, education, and diligence. Actions speak louder than words - Russ Feingold did not "trust government".
    Moving back to the present, there is no reason within our state gov't, nor within any larger U.S. governing entity to give it a vote of confidence. If you don't "distrust the government" you have NOT been paying attention.
    I really dislike Ronnie-the-man, but when it comes to the issue of "distrust of government" I'm more than willing to hold hands and sing the Who Song with him. He's right, they're right, even though we don't know who the They are, we know that they're there, and they're right. We're all right (except you).
    There is NO reason to have faith in our political processes today. The system (you may have not heard this yet) is broken. The daily news is an endless Buffet o' Crap.
    Ron J. states the obvious, it's so obviously obvious that it's obvious. I'm not sure where that fact puts this post, but certainly not in the Breaking News section.

  3. OK, so I distrust Ron Johnson totally.

    Is that what he wants?

    And the POINT, toxin, is that if all of government is such a reprehensible, structurally corrupt organization, why exactly did he want to be part of it? If he has such impeccable morals (not like all those OTHER gobmint employees) shouldn't he bail?

  4. RoJo is out of his league, as is the most invisible pol in history Tammy Baldwin. The political environment in Wisconsin is abyssimal right now. Fitzgeralds, young and dumb Chris "sticky fingers" larson, Scooter, the pols here in leadership positions seem to lack talent and statesmanship. Why aren't intelligent individuals running for office in Wisc? Was Tammy the only one left in wisc with a j.d? The used sporting goods store managers can't be expected to be effective legislators.

    Re ROJO,... for the amount of business acumen this apparently possesses, I can't imagine him pitching persuasive policy ideas. He just sounds unintelligent next to other senators. As a moderate right voter, I would vote for Peggy, West over him. Someone with his clear lack of political skill and understanding of the issues (see interview with Paul Krugman) ROJO appears better suited for a state fair board of directors than the us senate.

  5. It's hard to swim in a septic system.

  6. Mortified in West AllisJune 19, 2013 at 8:38 AM

    Please don't associate ROJO with the State Fair Board of Directors. There's enough idiotic incompetents on that Board already!

  7. ROJO appears better suited for a state fair board of directors than the us senate.

    Objection. There's no evidence he's suited for that, either.

  8. @ Anony 9:07 AM, yesterday:

    Totally agree with you about RoJo's lack of political skills, intelligence, experience. But I wouldn't assume he has business acumen or if he does, that it's applicable in the US Senate.

    On Tammy, we must disagree. She has the JD as you point out, and the political experience of working her way up from Wis Assembly to State Senate, now
    Congress. She knows at least something about the government she purports to lead, and doesn't consider the whole enterprise useless as does RoJo.

    It's hard to be a stand out in a crowd of 435, 535 with the Senate. A constantly yakking PR machine doesn't necessarily equate to an active, doing-his-or-her-job congressman. In fact, it seems to be inversely related. What has RoJo done so far? Issue press releases which make him look the tea party tool he is. And dumb and dumber.

  9. @toxin 6-18-13:

    No need to push the panic button. JR was merely pointing out the latest hypocrisy out of the RoJo/Paddy Mac press release factory. It wasn't only about the distrust of gubmint--as you say--but about riling up the electorate about the "scandals," some of which aren't even. All on a slow news day so it looks like RoJo is actually doing something.

    You know, we liberals don't fully trust the gubmint either. Except for the current state of the gubmint and administration of Wis, most of which is eminently hateable, a healthy skepticism, supported with a vaccine of good information and lots of paying attention will keep your political health on track. Oh yeah, and following the money. You'll never be wrong if you remember that admonition--money and EGO.

    I stick by my Chicken Little comment. Just because the sky isn't really falling doesn't mean that Chicken Little won't run around the barnyard flapping his wings and squawking.

  10. PS: You only need to read the previous 3 JR posts to see what I mean about Wis guvmint and administration being untrustworthy.

  11. @west allis

    totally agreed.. maybe parish council at st. rita's?
