Friday, May 31, 2013

WI Falls To 44th and 49th In National Job/Growth Ratings

Why don't State Dems put these numbers on electronic bulletin boards outside Madison, Milwaukee, Wausau, Green Bay and La Crosse?

Think past news releases.


  1. I've mentioned this on Twitter several times and it never seems to be taken seriously. Driving from Madison to Rhinelander several times I see plenty of vacant billboards.

    Kickstarter campaign perhaps? I'm in for $100.

  2. "How's that family-supporting new job working out for you?" -- YOUR WISCONSIN GOP

  3. I took a quick peek on Kickstarter and there are some billboard projects. See here.

    So many messaging opportunities, and so many creative people in Wisconsin to pull ideas from.

  4. Seems to me it can't be left up to the Democratic party. Where are the billboards? Are any of them NOT Clear Channel?

  5. I'm in for 20. Let me know who'll do the job and send out the truth, since Tate and company would rather hoard money than do something with it

  6. Drop-out Governor Walker Gave Wisconsin a Drop-Out Economy.

    When Western WI Asked Scott Walker for Jobs, He Told Them To Go Pound Sand

    First Walker Stopped The Train, Then He Brought Wisconsin's Economy To A Screeching Halt.

    The WEDC Director of the Week Is....(your name here)

    WI Republicans, Changing Our State Motto From "Forward" to "Bass Ackwards"

    (Please remit $20 per slogan used directly to my PayPal account, Thank You)

  7. I'll match that !

  8. Imagine commuters streaming past billboards which read: Wisconsin's Republican Legislature: Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
