Friday, May 17, 2013

Tom Daykin Enjoys The Perfect Pabst Farms Lede

With dreams of an upscale mall dashed - - though the interchange that was supposed to be contingent on the never-built mall is open, with fancy roundabouts galore (see photos below) - -  how else do you report this development 'development'?
A Walmart supermarket and discount store and Sam's Club store are being proposed for Oconomowoc's Pabst Farms site, where city officials had once hoped to see a regional mall developed.
I took these photos about a year-and-a-half ago:

I like the bike path (r). But that sign? Better slow down to interpret that.
Lovely pillars
Roundabouts - - four in all - - all about. The brickwork and landscaping are lovely.

Where's the holiday shopping traffic last Saturday afternoon? Oh, I forgot. The mall never got built.

Houses on Pabst Farms' former farmland


  1. They're very high class and sophisticated out in Oconomowoc. Just ask them.

  2. But won't Oconomowocians (?) be grateful for all of those jobs created?

  3. No need to build a Regional Mall when Wisconsin is shedding jobs.
