Monday, April 29, 2013

Ten Ways Walker's Wisconsin Disregards Land, Water

[Reposted from 4/27/2013]
How much evidence of Scott Walker's environmental hostility (he told us the DNR would be run with a "chamber-of-commerce mentality") can you stomach?
DNR lets environmental enforcement slide.

Little Plover River/threatened trout stream on national endangered list.

Septic waste spreading violations got insiders' slap on the wrist.

A farm well goes dry near sand mine.

Continuing coal-ash pollution of Lake Michigan supported.

Less local conservation effort funded in proposed state budgeted.

Frac sand spill pollutes river.

New mining bill erases water preservation law statewide.

1 comment:

  1. Well personally, I don't stand none of it. You could say I mentally "walked away from Omelas" years ago. It's the best I can do, since walkin off the planet is not an option.
    A passing thought - Obama is "disregarding" a whole helluva lot too. And when I say a helluva lot I mean one big enormous god-awful helluva lot. Disheartening, but it seems to be what people do. "Necessary collateral damage", "a small price to pay to live in the Greatest Society on Earth" and all that.
