Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Even Before New State $$ Cut, WI Towns Defaulting To Gravel Roads

Oh, this unwanted bit of dirty Depression-era nostalgia will bring industry and entrepreneurs to Wisconsin:

Some towns, even prior to Walker's proposed $4.3 million cut to local road aids, are letting their disintegrating, pothole-damaged roads go back to gravel - - just like were in the '30's.

News video here:

Hat tip to Democurmedgeon, via Blue Cheddar - - which is code for blogger allies you really need to be reading.

1 comment:

  1. What CEO wouldn't want to move their business to a state with second-rate broadband, crowded schools and gravel roads, where they can relax by shooting woodchucks?

    For years, Hollywood script writers would select Wisconsin as a story locale when they wanted emphasize that the characters were hicks. I used to resent this, but now I realize it was a prophesy of sorts.
