Friday, April 5, 2013

A Good Headline Conveys The Climate Change Reality

This might even catch the eye of one of the 11 climate change deniers somewhere on the planet.
Why 1,600 years of ice melting in 25 years is a bad omen
A glacier in Peru has melted to levels not seen since the end of the last ice age


  1. HA! HA! HA! A little late for April fools day, but the rest of the world has figured out that the global warming hoax is just that: a hoax. It is amazing that the liberals, who developed their opinion on one Algore movie, have never investigated the global warming scare themselves and then run around calling everyone else deniers. If you took even a short amount of time to consider the evidence against your cherished belief, and if you were willing to base your opinion on data and the scientific method rather than ideology, you would realize what the rest of the world has known for over a decade.

  2. Why would anyone be surprised that glacial ice continues to melt since the last ice age? Let’s just hope that we are still rebounding from the last ice age and not beginning to enter a new one. Oh, and by the way, Human produced Carbon Dioxide is not a major factor in the worlds climate; surprise, surprise, it is the sun. Madison liberals are so absolutely clueless it is actually hilarious.

  3. There has been no statistically significant observed global warming in 15 years. This is simply a fact, and this fact alone disproves the theory that the climate is related directly to CO2 emissions. Last year on this date it was 65 degrees: today, it is snowing; this is no need to panic, it is the weather.

  4. The light reflective snow and ice we have the more heat we absorb from the sun.

  5. So utterly pathetic:

    Why would anyone be surprised that glacial ice continues to melt since the last ice age? "

    Because right now the precession of the earth's orbit around the sun is leading us into the NEXT ice age. We would be cooling if it were not for the greenhouse effect.

    "Let’s just hope that we are still rebounding from the last ice age and not beginning to enter a new one"

    A cooling phase would cause our farming activities to shift from the Dakotas and Nebraska down south towards Texas and Oklahoma. Which would make our country a great deal more prosperous, because TX and OK have many more acres. It would also make the world more prosperous because farming productivity would increase in the Sahara and India.

  6. Why would anyone be surprised that glacial ice continues to melt since the last ice age?

    The last ice age was 25 years ago? What amazing new fact one can learn from Anonymous trolls!

  7. There has been no statistically significant observed global warming in 15 years. This is simply a fact,

    Actually, this is a cherry picked misreading of data, that has been stovepiped into the Fox News/Townhall propaganda machine.The reiteration through the Perpetual Epistemic Closure Machine gives it the air of truth, but the links never lead to actual science.

