Friday, February 22, 2013

WMC Official, On Mining Bill's Environmental Protections, But...

I'd rather see an actual environmental expert chat on about the environmental impacts of the mining bill than watch Scott Manley, the business community/WMC point person/lobbyist help push the bill to approval with these remarks:
The amendments adopted in the Senate and Assembly Committees were intended to strengthen some of the environmental regulatory aspects of the bill, and clarify the permit process...

We think the bill is incredibly protective as it currently stands, and believe the DNR would concur with that assessment. We are hopeful that additional amendments are not required by the Joint Finance Committee....

We are at the point where we believe the bill gives the DNR all of the tools they need to ensure that a mine is permitted in an environmentally safe and responsible manner, and do not believe any additional changes are needed.
Manley, a former GOP legislative staffer, is touted by his WMC employer as a mining expert, and has risen to WMC Vice-President for Corporate Affairs.

But does that mean the Journal Sentinel should give him a platform from which he can define the environmental issues raised by the mine, and even label and describe, in detail as "incorrect" the position of the environmental group Clean Wisconsin?

Without equal space for environmental groups? Even for a rejoinder from a group called out as wrong?

And do these recent Manley Tweets make him sound like an environmental expert or a business spokesman and partisan, conservative activist?
  1. I appreciate voicing his opposition to new mining taxes in Wisconsin. That tax must be rejected.
  2. Pres. Obama is touting manufacturing jobs. I wish he would stop hitting manufacturers with job-killing regulations and higher energy costs.
  3. Kudos to Sen. Scott Fitzgerald for his strong opposition to new mining taxes during his interview with on the air this morning
  4. Gov’t. should get out of the business of picking winners and losers when it comes to energy.
  5. I will be going on the air with at 4:05 to discuss mining and the need to pass iron mining reform.
    US Rep. Tammy Baldwin's record of voting against Wisconsin paper mill jobs exposed in a new ad by
    View media
    Looks like is counting on an unwitting (or complicit) media to report their Dem skewed polls down the home stretch

    8. Oct 4
    Is the Madison Fire Department waiting on standby for all the straw men Obama will torch on UW campus this afternoon?


  1. Ugh. I can think of nothing more to say.

  2. Manley is correct, the bill is more than adequate as it stands to protect the environment and it is now time to put Wisconsin back to work. I encourage all legislators to get this passed as quickly as possible.

  3. Wow, if you think this bill is "more than adequate as it stands" then I can only imagine that you're either being compensated to say that, or you're being willfully ignorant of the facts. A recent Public Policy Poll found that 62% of Wisconsin voters oppose this bill. They need to throw it out or take the time to get it right.
