Thursday, February 7, 2013

Walker's National Profile Gets New Boost News is reporting another feather in Scott Walker's cap:
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker will deliver the keynote address at the National Republican Congressional Committee's March dinner in Washington, D.C., an annual event that serves as the House Republicans' most lucrative fundraiser.

Walker will join the dinner's chairman, Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan, to raise money for the 2014 midterm election cycle. The NRCC plans to publicly announce Walker's speech on Thursday with a raffle contest in which the winner will be flown to the capital for the event.


  1. second place prize- TWO tickets to the event.

  2. The Governor of MN is making fun of us as is Gail Collins of the NYTs. How long until we are the laughing stock of the nation? Oh wait...

  3. Listening to the Guv's speech a PRIZE that people compete for? This IS a sick, f***king country!
