Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Thunderstorm In Milwaukee As We Speak

Climate change deniers will call talk radio in a few hours and deny they heard this January thunderstorm underway right now that will raise havoc with buds and bulbs and plants and trees before the temp. goes to zero in 48 hours.


  1. ALGOre is right!!!
    He predicted that the one of the horrendous effects of killing the planet with human CO2 emissions would be a thunderstorm in Milwaukee! ALGore is right!! ALGore is right!! ALGore is right!!

  2. Will the apple and cherry crops take another hit this year?

  3. And the snow has melted...

    Spring coats in February, can't get much better than that.

  4. You are right... I'm getting ahead of myself, thinking about vacation.

    Spring coats in January... better yet!

  5. Nice save, Gretzky.

    I won't even bother pointing out that you are now implicitly acknowledging AGW as actually happening, or that lack of snow will only heighten the intensity of the current drought, decrease the water table, and intensely impact the crops that much of the state rely on (as someone else pointed out up above).

  6. One of the more surreal--and humorous--experiences resulting from our changing climate is watching the dance of the weatherbimbos on local TV trying to address the bizarrely fluctuating weather patterns: "wild weather" "weird weather" "strange Wisconsin weather" without uttering "climate change" or "global warming". Mark Baden on Ch 12, whom I actually think is one of the BETTER ones, used all of the above phrases last night in his 10:00 report. It seemed as if he was a little freaked out himself, but he covered by intimating that normal Wisconsin weather variations (sometimes called the four seasons) are to blame.

    I turned it off in disgust when he said that the temperature swings and strange fronts would necessitate us tuning in more frequently so that we can "be prepared" (for what, rain?) and promised that he would "put the StormTracker on it." Click.

  7. It's the fucking weather. It is not extreme, unusual or strange. It is just the weather. My God, you Madison Liberals are nuts.

  8. It is not extreme, unusual or strange

    All the data contradicts you.

    Besides, fucking weather doesn't happen till May:


  9. I know it's generally pointless to engage with the nonna-trolls, especially the global climate change deniers, but for the zillionth time, weather is not the same as climate.
