Thursday, January 24, 2013

Surprise! Ron Johnson In Damage Control Mode Today

Wisconsin's Tea Party and sunspot-afflicted Senator Ron Johnson took a well-deserved media beating over demeaning and uninformed remarks he aimed at Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's Capitol Hill Tuesday - - (and really, why waste a seat on the prestigious Senate Foreign Relations Committee on someone like Johnson if he won't even attend the briefings?) - - so today Johnson began to walk back (modern parlance for apologize, sorta) his comments.

Even though the state's #1 AM radio station gave Johnson a second helping of free air time this morning to help him remove the foot he had inserted into his mouth.

It wasn't a fair fight to begin with: the inexperienced Johnson, who went from the top job position in the family plastics business into politics because he thought Fox commentator Dick Morris was speaking directly to him through the Tee-Vee (true story!) - -  against battle-tested Hillary Clinton: Yale law, Watergate hearing staff, First Lady, US Senator, Presidential candidate, Secretary of State, most admired woman in the world - - 11 years running.


  1. Unfortunately he got an unrepentant op-Ed in USA today to try remake his claims. Judging from his syntax during the hearing, there's no way he authored the op-Ed.

  2. 11 years? Sweetcheeks, Hillary Clinton has been internationally renowned since her speech in China in 1980.

  3. I was just stating a documented fact:

  4. Mortfied West Allis ResidentJanuary 25, 2013 at 11:36 AM

    Ron Johnson is an embarassment to the State of Wisconsin. All bluster;no substance! Recruit Rep. Ron Kind to run against him...Please!!!!!
