Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Fresh Shaming For GOP/Mining Company

How far has Wisconsin fallen, or been dragged by the corporate water-carriers now in power?

One Wisconsin Now proves that Gov. Walker and GOP legislators let the mining company help write the environmentally-disastrous, treaty-busting mining bill being rushed to a vote:
Drafting records for the open pit mining legislation (accessible here and here) Assembly Bill 1 and Senate Bill 1, obtained by One Wisconsin Now reveal that a preliminary draft of the legislation was shared with the mining company, weeks before being made available to the general public. A series of seven e-mails entitled "GTAC requests" contain numerous changes to the bill suggested by the company, many of which appear to have been made by the legislative leadership in charge of drafting the bill.
 The Journal Sentinel picks up the story:
Gogebic Taconite, which had an initial hand in writing a controversial mining bill now before legislators, continues to play a key role in writing the latest draft of the bill...

Details in the latest drafting notes were made public on Tuesday by One Wisconsin Now, a liberal group, which was critical of the Gogebic's influence in the legislation.

"You didn't see any members of the public, you didn't see Republican leaders asking environmental groups how the bill should be stronger," said Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now.
So I ask again, media - - where is your outrage?


  1. People of the Chequamegon Bay speak and vote against mining legislation.

    Those who will suffer from the pollution from mining know that if this mining bill passes we will all have our water quality degrade. And NO ONE paid us to come to this conclusion.

    Bayfield County Board Votes Against Supporting Mining Legislation.

  2. It makes you wonder if the JS editorial board ever reads the news articles in the paper.
