Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Walker, Blameless, Recycles "Uncertainty" Jobs Excuse

Remember this from May, when Walker's job creation numbers were poor? Politics, uncertainty blamed:
Walker blamed the state's employment woes on the recalls, saying employers are hesitant to add jobs during times of political uncertainty but that there would be a "dramatic turnaround" after June 5.
Seven months later: same excuse - - politics and uncertainty - - plus some embellishments:
The governor also said that he believed he could still achieve his stated goal of creating 250,000 jobs in his four-year term, though he acknowledged ongoing concerns about the "fiscal cliff" negotiations in Washington as well as uncertainty about costs connected to the Affordable Care Act.

"We're just under 100,000," he said Wednesday morning...

Later Wednesday in Madison, Walker clarified the number, saying it was just over 86,000 jobs...

According to an analysis published in November by PolitiFact Wisconsin, Walker has been responsible for a net of 25,411 jobs created.
This is Walker's complete PolitiFact scorecard, by the way:

Walker's statements by ruling


  1. Silly you! The explanation for the difference between PolitiFact's November analysis and today's WalkerFact's numbers--60,589, to be precise--is the exact number of jobs created by Walker in the first 12 days of December.

  2. Is that 86,000 from Jan. 2011 vs. Fall 2012? That's nothing more than seasonal hiring, as January is always the lowest month for total jobs. It's a pathetically cynical comment when you dig into it.

    If we use Walker's favored job stats numbers and stay on the same pace till the end of his 1 term, I could see that 100,000 panning out. As a 4-year total.

    P.S., revenues are coming in low, barely above last year's levels and well behind the pace in the budget. Even with a longer Christmas Holiday season. Don't buy that "surplus" talk.

  3. The Uncertainty Fairy has certainly been busy this year. Now even Ben Bernanke is blaming the weakened economy on the fairy's concern over the fiscal slope. The good news is that the Monetary Leprechaun is encouraged by the approaching tax increase on the rich. So, in terms of imaginary creatures it's a wash.
