Friday, December 7, 2012

Tough Sentencing In Walker Doe Case Reveals Double-Standard

One of Scott Walker's lower-level appointees during the Milwaukee County Executive years is going to prison for two years for stealing money from a charity.

Tim Russell, a higher-ranking Walker appointee, has pleaded guilty to similar thievery and is being recommended for a sentence of two-and-a-half-years.

And let's be clear: their behavior was reprehensible.

But another higher-ranking Walker appointee - - former Milwaukee County Deputy Executive Chief of Staff Kelly Rindfleisch - - got only six months for doing campaign work on public time in Walker's office on behalf of the candidacy of Brett Davis, then a state legislator and Walker's choice for Lt. Governor.

That's certainly a form of stealing - - from taxpayers - -  so why the differential in sentencing?

Note that Rindfleisch, also a former Walker Deputy Chief of Staff, did her campaign work on a secret email system set up in Walker's office suite - - by Russell.

For which Russell was not charged.

And why is Brett Davis still Walker's Medicaid chief?


  1. You got it Ron. Kelly gave them a treasure trove, it is quite clear.

    I want to know why these Operation Freedom donations just happened to come almost entirely from GOP politicians and supporters. Seems unusual for an allegedly non-partisan "support the troops" event, isn't it?
