Friday, December 7, 2012

Tone-Deaf GOP WI Pols Hear Their Stomachs Growl

Wisconsin First Lady Tonette Walker wants nearly $500,000 for a new kitchen - - and can't say how much comes from the taxpayers.

GOP Assembly members want more taxpayer money added to their daily, tax-free expense accounts. 
Homer Simpson
Per Diem...Ahhhhhh
$88 a day, even when the Legislature isn't in session, just isn't enough.

I have an idea: send those hungry GOP legislators looking for richer fare on the gravy train - - - "rib-eye-of-the-sky," perhaps - - over to the Governor's Mansion over in Austerityville and let them make themselves a PB & J.


  1. Wants? The kitchen was being built last summer.

  2. I would think the foundation that takes care of the mansion would want to let people know how much was raised via "wine and wickets" and how much is actually needed for the kitchen renovation.

  3. I'll bet their table isn't filled with king crab lag purchased with a Food Share card.

  4. But...
    (best Alberta-Darling-talking-to-the-media voice)
    We're broke!
    I wonder how many kids will have to be thrown off of Badgercare to pay for this? Priorities, people.

  5. You do know Sue, that the funds are comming from private donors. Not taxpayers.

  6. The source of all the funding is not yet clear.
