Sunday, December 30, 2012

Imagine If Wisconsin Needs Emergency Aid, And...

God forbid that the drought here gets worse - - killing crops, crushing farmers and further evaporating a Lake Michigan in record-decline - - or that Asian carp break free into the Great Lakes, or a super storm devastates a portion of the state (see tornado, Joplin, or flooding, 2010) - - and Sen. Scrooge McGrinch, a/k/a Ron Johnson has to ask his colleagues from Hurricane Sandy-ravaged, still-recovering New York and New Jersey for relief-measure votes.

His colleagues might also remember his 2011 vote against major disaster relief funding:
Sept. 15, 2011 S Amdt 602 Emergency Disaster Relief Appropriations Amendment Adopted - Senate
(62 - 37)

Don't be surprised if they tell RoJo to check his bootstraps. and his voting record.

1 comment:

  1. Let's see, Rojo said we desperately needed a manufacturing guy in the Senate. He got elected, and manufacturing jobs went away...
