Friday, December 28, 2012

Bringing The Second Amendment To Life

The NRA wants armed guards posted in schools.

Some of those schools are true campuses and are spread across multiple buildings and many acres.

That's tens of thousands of armed guards.

The NRA says it will help find volunteers among retired military personnel and peace officers to help carry out this mission.

In other words - - The NRA is calling for the creation of a militia - - which gun manufacturers, lobbies and supporters of all kinds will say springs from and thus reifies the Second Amendment.

In other words, a self-fulfilling, validating road to an even further armed, danger-laden society.

As well-intentioned as NRA volunteers may be - - count me out.


  1. What the NRA is calling for is for all responsible citizens to be prepared to defend themselves and others. The teachers at Sandy Hook obviously were not prepared to do this and their failure resulted in the deaths of 20 children. In the Sandy Hook case, the only thing that could have prevented the deaths of these children would have been an immediate armed response, which was not allowed because it is a gun free zone.

  2. The NRA is ridiculous. I can't believe most people are taking this proposal of armed guards in schools very seriously. As far as I can tell, Mr. LaPierre shot himself in the foot, so to speak, with his ranting, wild-eyed press conference - espcially in light of The New York Times reporting on the direct links between gun makers and video games.

  3. Here’s an idea that they haven’t tried yet: enforce the laws which are already on the books and get all of the guns out of the hands of criminals first, before even thinking about restricting law abiding citizens. Liberals are so silly, they don’t realize that criminals do not obey gun laws and have lots of guns and people without guns will be at their mercy.

  4. Ron Paul is calling the proposal "Orwellian".

    Dear NRA: When you've gone too crazy for Ron Paul, maybe you might want to consider dialing it back a bit.

    The anonymous cash-trollers are hilarious, though.

  5. What is ridiculous about being able to defend yourself against armed criminals? Shouldn't you at least be able to have the same weapons you need to defend yourself against?

  6. You want to keep guns out of the hands of criminals? How about requiring background checks on every gun sale, private or commercial? How about banning the internet sale of guns and ammunition? How about taking away the licenses of the small percentage of gun dealers who put into circulation the majority of guns used in crimes?

    None of these actions would affect the gun ownership rights of any responsible person and would at least give us some tools to keep guns out of the wrong hands. We just can't sit pat with the gun market free-for-all we have now.

    Gun owners should realize that the worse things get, the more there will be pressure from the public for regulations that are much more harsh than the ones I've mentioned.
    It's time for sensible suggestions rather than idiotic proposals such as the ones the NRA has come up with.

  7. Next up - schools surrounded by barbed wire. Armed guards at outposts.

  8. Picture this: armed guards stationed around and in school. Car pulls up to playground - rolls down window - opens up with a 1000 rounds of steel tipped bullets. 100's of children shot before guard turned head and was shot himself. There is no defense except maybe prison like schools. Take away the Bushmans. Ban high capacity clips.

  9. Shouldn't you at least be able to have the same weapons you need to defend yourself against?

    What is ridiculous is people who think that when a gun is pointed at them, they stand a chance of pulling, sighting, and shooting before that person just pulls the trigger.

    Plus, I didn't say it was ridiculous. I said all the anonymous trolls were hilarious, thinking that the same old paranoid tripe serves as an argument.

  10. @Zombie- will the ante ever stop. I get a Bushman - you get a Bushman . Bushman makes an even deadlier weapon. You get it - I get it. So I get a rocket launcher - you get one. Time to put an end to all this. Ban all of these weapons. In time they won't exist.

  11. Thankfully, there are still more sensible people in the country than there are silly liberals. Yet we will continue to keep them safe by maintaining our own right to defend ourselves and others with firearms. We will continue to provide for them by using the resources of the earth, and we will continue to keep them warm with coal and we will continue to keep them fed through agriculture. We will continue to transport them using petroleum and defend their right to be wrong. Sometimes I wonder why we do it.

  12. Dear God, thank you for the good people in the world who will defend us with firearms. I thank you for the gifts we have received, that iron smelted from the earth and molded into the creation of a gun. I thank you for the powder and lead and the fire power to protect myself and my community. I thank you for the wisdom of constitutional rights and the courage of those who defend them. I thank you for the enemies of freedom and liberty as we strengthen ourselves as we fight against them. I thank you for the opportunity to expose the evil of liberalism and I thank you for the past history from which we learn how easily people can be crushed and destroyed when they are deprived of the tools for self defense. I thank you for the upcoming victory we will have over these forces of evil when we destroy the latest Liberal attempt to disarm honest, decent people and leave them at the mercy of armed criminals. Dear God, I thank you and I will serve your will by promoting the peace with the one, true peacemaker.

  13. Anon @ 6:37: That was a nice bit of satire.

  14. Yet we will continue to keep them safe by maintaining our own right to defend ourselves and others with firearms.

    Thanks for nothing.

    Your weapon is FAR more likely to injure someone in your family, or be used on you yourself than it is to be used to deter a crime.

  15. thank you for the good people in the world who will defend us with firearms.

    They're not doing a very good job.

  16. Enough of the guns and god Neanderthals! The democratic process has failed us. We cannot continue to act as selfish individuals. We are cells of a common human organism and only those pure, healthy cells committed to the benefit of the whole can be allowed to grow and prosper. Those cancer cells which mutate and grow out on their own without thought of the communal greater good need to be cleansed from our system. The brain cells must be able to control the growth and action of the other cells. Those brain cells are not the majority of cells, they are the educated and enlightened minority which must be allowed to have authority over the others.

    The brain cells know that guns need to be totally eliminated from our society, and the other less knowledgeable cells oppose this and they must be silenced. Guns must be banned and physically removed by the proper authorities. The majority must be controlled and forced to do what is in their own best interest whether they are capable of understanding this or not. We must let the brain decide what is best for the rest of the body. The Obama administration must declare marshal law immediately and remove all of the guns currently in private hands. This is the only reasonable solution, and we all must be intelligent enough to support and encourage this ultimate solution.
