Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Alberta Darling, Again The Walker Meddler

Through, for the moment chasing 2012 phantom voting fraud and finding herself suddenly called off another voter suppression mission (ending same-day voting registration) by a slightly panicked Scott Walker, the River Hills Senate Republican displays again her robotic fealty to the boss by going after residency for teachers in Milwaukee.

More payback, revenge legislating designed to undermine labor and Democratic voters. And the Big City.

Also file at #regionalismdistorted.


  1. What? He's backing away from fulfilling the wishes of a certain skanky billionairess, who was given every reason to believe Scotty was going to deliver the goods.
    It was quid pro quo:
    "Billionaire Diane Hendricks of roofing giant ABC Supply donated a total of $510,000 to Walker’s campaign — the biggest check for a governor’s race in Wisconsin." history"

  2. Even with her tailor-made, gerrymandered Senate district, Alberta apparently still quivers in fear that some right-winger somewhere in the far reaches of Washington County continues to doubt the sincerity of her transformation from North Shore Nancy to Queen of the Teabaggers.

  3. More payback, revenge legislating designed to undermine labor and Democratic voters. And the Big City.

    Please explain why this undermines labor, Democratic voters and Milwaukee?

  4. Walker promised the police and firefighters that he would eliminate the residency requirement during both the 2010 and recall elections. It hasn't been done. Why the push now to allow teachers to do this?
