Monday, October 29, 2012

Wisconsin DNR Kids Wolf Website Fudges The Facts

Enter "wolves" on the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources home page search box, and the first link that comes up is a page in the the kids' education project - - and you can't escape the holes in the story now that at least 20 wolves have been killed by trappers and rifle-shooters in the first days of the hunt:

Monday p.m. update: the number is now 38.

Timber Wolf

Wisconsin Status: game species
Federal Status: delisted in Wisconsin as of 1/27/2012
wolf graphic
Have you ever heard a wolf howl in the wild? Not many people have.

And the concluding section isn't a model of full, timely disclosure:
They're back!
timber wolf
In 1989, a group of concerned citizens got together with the Department of Natural Resources to develop a Timber Wolf Recovery Plan. The goal of the plan was to work toward having wild wolves roaming northern Wisconsin. Wolf population monitoring was put into action with live-trapping, radio telemetry, winter snow tracking, and summer howl surveys.

Because of the success of recovery efforts, wolves have made a comeback in our state. When the population reached 373 in 2004, wolves in Wisconsin were reclassified from threatened to protected. It is estimated that there are now more than 800 wolves in Wisconsin (2011). Wolves were recently removed from the endangered species list in Wisconsin.

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  1. WOW 800 in such a small space they may even start to help control the wild rabbit and deer population. next thing you know they may want to bring Bison or Moose back to the state. A real disaster would be to get trout in Lake Michigan. Ah hell to much money is made on Salmon.

  2. Yet even with the crap that DNR is putting on its website, my son blew away the pro-wolf killing kids that are parroting their parent's lies and sociopathy in a school debate on the subject. After all, they have no facts on their side and this is reflected by their kid's failure to support their wolf kill position.

  3. "Have you ever heard a wolf howl in the wild? Not many people have."

    This should be update to read:
    "Have you ever heard a wolf howl in the wild? If you haven't yet, your chances will be much smaller in 2013 after the "hunt" of 2012 in which 116 wolves were baited, trapped, shot, ripped from their dens, and usually skinned so that Wis hunters could have fun with animal torture."

    All in a kid-friendly font, of course.

  4. It's apparent that most of you have zero experience with the outdoors and deer hunting. Supplement your education through nature and experience, not just liberal attitudes and population "estimates" through the DNR among others.
