Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Waukesha Has Said Its Diversion Is The Proverbial Drop In the Bucket, But...

The timing for a discussion of a potential Lake Michigan diversion that Waukesha is currently having with Oak Creek, Milwaukee and now with the Town of Waukesha couldn't come at a worse time:

Lake Michigan level touches record low for month

Lake Michigan kissed its record low water level for October on one day last week, and federal officials now predict the world's fifth largest lake is likely going to plunge into never-seen-before levels in the coming months.


  1. Waukesha will return 100% of the volume of water and have no negative impact on water levels. That is a positive precedent.

  2. The cryptic PR/lobbyist response might begin to answer a few unanswered questions--

    With lake levels dropping and the level of ecological problems in the Great Lakes increasing why would adding additional waste loads to an already challenged and finite water resource like the Great Lakes and its tributaries make sense—and one huge new waste load coming from outside the Basin to boot?

    Groups within SE Wisconsin (including MMSD)are continuing to strive to make the waters of the Great Lakes Basin fishable and swimmable—so why would they be looking to make the job of restoring the Basin’s water ways to meet the Clean Water Act more difficult?

    Has anyone been swimming (or even wading) at the current discharge point of the Waukesha Waste Water treatment facility –so why should the residents of Wauwatosa and Milwaukee be happy with this proposal?
