Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Best Obama Tactic Last Night? Uncovering Mean Mitt

Putting Bain Capital's ties to China under the microscope, which led to Romney's waspish, Jan Brewer-inspired face-to-face hectoring of the President his face - - 'look at your pension...have you looked at your pension....'

Romney revealed himself as the unvarnished one-percenter CEO lecturing an ungrateful underling who dared question the boss' regal authority.


  1. There were times when I thought that if only the President would mention Bain capital and the Sensata plant directly, Mitt might snap. What would it take to make the great facade fall?

    1. Just one co-SENSATA-ugh (cough) could have done it while Rmoney was talking about job creation.


  2. I thought he didn't look like a boss, more like a mean kid who was in my neighborhood when I was a kid.
    I really hated seeing him do that. It was appalling. Obama's humor was so needed in that moment, just to lighten up the situation.
