Monday, October 29, 2012

Anybody, Post-Sandy, For Smaller Government Today? Out East?

Why have anti-government/small-government/public employee-bashing conservatives gone so silent today?

How does the Tea Party-obeisant and FEMA-opponent Mitt Romney, with ideological sidekick and shiny object Paul Ryan in tow, even dare show that campaign's face between now and Nov. 6th?


  1. The storm will pass, and despite your silly suggestion that Big Government is the only solution to whatever ails us, if there is a lack of resources to respond to this weather event it will be because we have been limited by government to develop the energy and mineral wealth which surrounds us. The Obama agenda to transform America into a third world country does nothing to help us respond to these types of emergencies.

    Public emergency response efforts are just not fundable when the economy has been intentionally restricted from growth due to the Obama energy and EPA policies. Obama did nothing when public employees were being crushed in Wisconsin and is just another Chicago politician hustling for votes. Please explain how the astronomically increased deficits under the last four years of the Obama administration have helped us respond to this weather event.

  2. In your words James, you are conflating the issues of storm damage and wasteful gov't spending.

    Hurricane Sandy and the massive damage accompanying the storm have nothing to do with bloated and out of control spending on programs such as foodstamps, welfare, Obamacare, disability (fraud) and of course the "Obama" phone program.

    I just read a story that the US spends over $60,000 per family on Welfare subsidies. The problem with that is the average "welfare" family doesn't receive nearly that amount. If I recall correctly they receive about $25,000 in aide. The rest goes to the bureaucracy that supports it.

    Are you okay with that level of overhead? Or, is your answer to spend more money?

  3. Most everyone hates paying their home insurance. But very few would choose not to keep that same insurance.

    Insurance! That is what local emergency services and Federal Government FEMA programs are INSURANCE just in case the worst happens.

    Romney is stupid to believe that charities can fill in during disasters. Wake up people with his riches nothing short of an incurable terminal disease is out of his ability to buy a solution.

    Loose your home no problem write a check build a new one.

    The average US citizen needs the "insurance" that come from it's local, state and federal governments.

  4. My comment comes Tuesday morning, Oct. 30. Just heard a news broadcast covering Sandy and the damage done thus far; several states from the midwest are sending State resources to the East Coast to aid disaster victims. The report named the different states, but Scott Walker's Wisconsin was not named.
    In the past with weather disasters, Wisconsin has been right up front with aiding victims elsewhere: WHY NOT NOW, HELPING SANDY VICTIMS?

  5. The government needs to look at climate change seriously and stop playing games.
    Of course we need FEMA now.
    I don't see it as a conflation of anything. We need emergency aid from the government and from private industry and citizens need to pitch.
    We need a good government that takes care of our citizens in times like these.
    President Obama is doing a wonderful job so far. Let's give him our support and pray that he is re-elected, because the GOP is not to be relied on to help people in need. They have made that clear.

  6. I thought Gov. Walker had offered the Wisconsin National Guard to assist.

  7. It is foolish to put the vital functions of government in the hands of people who are ideological unable to consider ANY function of government as valid.

    OF COURSE the government will be incompetent during Republican control. That is their core belief; if it wasn't broken before, it will be when they're done.

    In the hands of competent people, however, actions of the government become how the country at large takes necessary action, as being demonstrated real-time on the East Coast.

    Public emergency response efforts are just not fundable

    Just let 'em die, eh?

    Sheesh. I can't keep the Nonnie Mouses straight around here. Can y'all do a favor and pick a nym or something?

  8. @zombie

    You just stated that the core belief of Republicans is an incompetent government. The only incompetence I see is your broken thought process.

    Obama's administration has been so "competent," right?

    Try to google "Benghazi," which is in my opinion one of the greatest failures of any President in US history.

    Imagine the thought process of sitting there as commander in chief watching this battle for 7 hours in real time and not sending help. He did nothing and allowed these fine brave Americans to die.

    These are real people who lost there lives, while the leader of their country did nothing to help them.

    Is that the competence you are looking for?

    1. Google: 9/11

      Google: Mission Accomplished

      Google: Weapons of Mass Destruction

      Google: Iran/Contra

  9. Give it up conservatives. Sandy is all Bush's fault.

    Let's not take our eye off the true scandal facing the Obama administration: Who gave the stay order in Bengahzi? And why hasn't the the President asked for a resignation for the action that led to the execution of a US Ambassador in a a foreign nation that could have been prevented?

  10. Try to google "Benghazi," which is in my opinion one of the greatest failures of any President in US history.

    Hyperbole much? You're laughable.

  11. These are real people who lost there lives, while the leader of their country did nothing to help them.

    Wow. That could have been said about Bush during Katrina.

    It's a pretty Fox-news fueled claim about Benghazi though.

  12. Hyperbole much? You're laughable.

    I'm sure that families of those brave men who were left to die without assistance don't think it is hyperbole.

    Despite your attempt to discredit, this is not a "Fox fueled" claim. It is simply disgraceful that our POTUS let these individuals perish without lifting one finger to help them.

    Soldiers and citizens calling for backup for 7 hours... and nothing.

    Disgraceful and embarrassing.

  13. Without quick action by FEMA many more lives would had been lost due to Sandy. Watch Gov. Christie talk about urban search and rescue still going on. Without FEMA and federal money the state of NJ would not be able to help all the people who are stranded on rooftops and without electricity and water. Time will tell if Sandy will be another Katrina but at this point things look a lot better for the East Coast then they did at the same time for New Orleans under the leadership of Bush.

  14. "In your words James, you are conflating the issues of storm damage and wasteful gov't spending." On October 30, 2012 7:49 AM, Rayguns finally looked up "conflating" and used it in a sentence!

    " . . . "Benghazi," which is in my opinion one of the greatest failures of any President in US history." Let's see . . how about googling Geo W Bush and 9-11? Daily security briefing? Pre-911 warnings of a terrorist attack?
    Even if Rayguns' exaggerated (or hyperbolic, or say, 'conflated') claim about the Benghazi attack is true, a claim made first and almost exclusively on Faux News --at least until the county's dittoheads began repeating it as their own--the callous and stupid mistakes the Bush administration made far outweigh anything Obama has done. And that's only if you're so mindlessly partisan as to believe that the US Commander-in-Chief watched people die for 7 hours on TV and did nothing.
    Oh, but I nearly forgot: Rayguns is the self-titled "Voice of Reason" on this blog.

    October 30, 2012 12:56 PM

  15. Bower said, " And that's only if you're so mindlessly partisan as to believe that the US Commander-in-Chief watched people die for 7 hours on TV and did nothing."

    No only is this believeable, I happen to also believe that our Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton advised him to rescue the Americans and he issued the stand down order - which will cost him any chance of re-election.

    1. I also believe in Santa Claus.

  16. @Anonymous Oct 31, 2012 6:27 AM:
    "Not only is this believable. . . "
    'Believable' in your gullible, partisan-blind, flat-earth, birther, creationist world is not the standard by which normal people determine credibility.

    I couldn't stand President Bush and think him the intellectual equal of a planetaria worm, however, I wouldn't ascribe--even to him--standing by and watching people die on television for 7 hours and doing nothing. IF President Obama did do that, there would have to have been an overwhelmingly valid reason AND strong evidence that it happened. Neither of which you have provided, instead offering anonymously your 'belief'. Until such time as you are able to provide the evidence and the reason, I'm just going to have to continue to believe you are full of shit.

  17. That goes for you, too, Rayguns.

  18. Soldiers and citizens calling for backup for 7 hours... and nothing.

    Disgraceful and embarrassing.

    ...And false.

  19. Boxer, an angry liberal feeling the oncoming loss of his god in office said, "Until such time as you are able to provide the evidence and the reason, I'm just going to have to continue to believe you are full of shit."

    When the new president is sworn in and Congress is controlled by conservatives next year , Boxer, you will eat those words.

    The American majority will want the truth about the scandalous and shameful action by current leaders of America to be exposed.

    P.S. No need to swear. Quite juvenile.

  20. I await your evidence, Anonymous, and yours too, Rayguns.

    Even if your pal Romney, by some stroke of luck, should win the presidency, that doesn't change the need for you to back up what you say.

    In either case, I won't be eating my words: asking you or anyone to prove your opinion (signaled by your own use of the words "I believe") that you state as fact is the way things are done in the real world. Ever write a H.S. term paper?

    PS: Didn't you get the joke when I said that I will have to continue to BELIEVE you are full of shit? Calling me juvenile is just a distraction from the facts you're lacking.
