Wednesday, August 15, 2012

This DC Shooting Shows, Again, There Are Too Many Guns Out There

Dangerouus fools and their guns come in all stripes.

I was at a hotel around the corner for a few days last month from where this latest disgusting shooting took place.

The area is filled with tourists, museums and a good DC vibe.

A pox on these idiots.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps we should ban guns!

    Oh, wait! They already are banned in DC.

    How did this crime happen? Didn't the shooter know the law.

    Of course that is sarcasm, but it is to the point and shows how silly and irrelevant a gun-ban law like this really is.

    When guns are banned, only the bad guys have them!

    "I prefer to defend myself, my family and my home, because when seconds matter, the police are only minutes away."

    That last line was told to me by a friend who is higher up in his department.
