Monday, August 20, 2012

The DNR, Manure Spreading, And Spreading Libertarianism

Ron Seely of the Wisconsin State Journal documents how people in Jefferson County living with the after-effects of weak DNR regulatory oversight of human waste manure spreading have also been stuck with thousands of dollars in resulting safe drinking water costs by a DNR 'can't/won't help' attitude:
Since early in July, she and her husband, Ron, have struggled with a well at their rural Jefferson County home contaminated with E. coli, a harmful bacteria that comes from human waste. Theirs is one of more than 40 houses near fields where Herr Environmental spreads such waste from septic tanks.

Though they cannot say whether the dangerous bacteria in their drinking water is from the spreading, they remain frustrated that the DNR has left them on their own to deal with a contaminated well.

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