Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Romney's Stone-Walling On Taxes Opens Door To Rumors Galore

Like paying no taxes for a decade, as Harry Reid relays the story.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) claimed Tuesday in an interview that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney refuses to release additional tax returns because he didn’t pay taxes for 10 years.
Reid said his source was a Bain investor.

For all we know, it's Sen. John McCain, or someone from his 2008 presidential campaign, since Romney turned over 20-some years of returns back then, and who knows who's seen what and divulged it?


  1. Only one simple way to everyone off your back about the tax returns already: turn 'em over.

  2. He wants the nomination first- then he'll turn'em over. His arrogance and greed will be his downfall.

  3. mitt rMoney is a very smell, stinky candidate -- just perfect for the party of scott walker...

  4. Yes, so greedy he donated the inheritance from his father to charity.

    You guys are comical.

  5. How many deductions for wives is it legal to take? But I joke...
