Monday, July 2, 2012

Lehman, (D), Wins Recount; GOP Still Blocking The Outcome

We all knew Racine GOP State Senator Van Wanggaard lost to Democratic challenger John Lehman on June 5th.

We all knew that a recount was a superfluous delaying tactic in the face of a margin of more than 800 votes out of more than 70,000 cast.

Wanggaard picked up 15 votes.

GOP and conservatives explained the math last year. There was no way.

We all knew the goal was to deny Lehman his seat and thus Democrats their fresh, one-vote Senate majority - - so now that the recount has declare Lehman the winner and he can be sworn in...

Wanggaard will probably appeal the result to Circuit Court, further delaying the consequence of the voters' choice.

This from the party that yelled loudly about the recount in the Prosser election and that complains via talking points about voter fraud - - but openly ran fake candidates in a series of Senate recall primaries - - and is now openly engaged in election obstruction.

Totally hypocritical.


Reagan's Disciple said...

If I were a Democrat, I would agree. There is no way I would want them to get to the bottom of the vote manipulation in some of the wards.

Sue said...

What's the word on the attempts to smear poll workers, are they still using that tactic? Seems to me that might backfire when you go from talking about some anonymous scary black person to the nice lady you've seen at the polling place for the last decade.

Sonoma Badger said...

Reagun's disciple is reliving his party's victorious election methodologies in the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections. Thanks for the Republican deficit, hat boy..

Jake formerly of the LP said...

Reagan's Disciple- Prving Bill Maher's point about how today's Republicans have the mentality of obnoxious middle schoolers.

Hey GOP- your boy lost, and a whole lot more legitimately than JoAnne Kloppenburg did. And Kloppenburg had the decency to concede in this spot despite things being a lot more sketchy in Waukesha County in 2011.

You wanna go there guys? Do ya?

RD said...

If Bill Maher is your go to guy for making liberal points it is no wonder your party is getting its tail handed to them in Wisconsin. Understand, Maher, Grahaeme and Tate are exactly the type of people that I, a Republican would appoint as leaders of the Democrat party if I wanted to alienate more Democrat voters. Keep up the good work - it is working well for you!

Now onto the other stuff...

Funny, I don't recall any sealed then re-sealed ballot bags in the Prosser / Kloppenburg.

And, BTW the Repubs are forcing Nickolaus out of office. Will the Dems do that in Racine? Or, will they throw a parade instead?

Enjoy your one seat out of session majority. We'll see you again in November with about 19-20 Republican seats.

Jake formerly of the LP said...

RD- Guess you've got the same problem your boy Ronnie had- a faulty memory.

From none other than Media Trakkkers, during the Kloppenburg-Prosser recount, ad referring to torn-up ballot bags in Waukesha County.

"The GAB statement explains that ”a hole in a ballot bag or a missing security tag is not enough evidence alone to discard the ballots inside. The ability to put a hand into a ballot bag is not by itself evidence of fraud.”

Explaining further, the GAB statement details election day procedures that run ballots through an optical scanner, which in turn prints off a data sheet. “Even if the container or bag is somehow opened later, or if the chain of custody is broken, election officials have the original print-out tape from the machine, as well as the electronic memory device from the machine” enabling “election officials to determine the election night vote count.”

Game, set and match little guy. Thanks for proving my point about how weaklings like you are needy children. And tell your buddies in Race-seen to wash those white sheets, as they're quite stained