Thursday, July 19, 2012

Drought Now "Extreme." Waiting For Scott Walker's Big Picture Response

Leadership vacuum in the state now open to "extreme" drought.

Where is the coordinated response bringing together state agencies, farmers, business and academics to deal with drought's long and short-term issues?


  1. It’s a fricken weather event! Do you think that Scott Walker can wave his hand and change the fricken weather???!!!! Are you somehow claiming that Scott Walker is responsible for the goddamn drought???!!! JFC almighty!! You liberals are just too goddamn funny!!!!!!!

    1. Given that this drought has been going on for a month, yes we'd expect a a halfway competent executive to be planning a response to what's going on. Instead, Walker's been raising money on the rubber chicken circuit out of state.

      Walker can't control the weather, but he sure can control the response to it. Instead, Scott Dubya's done a whole lot of nothing, and only asked for federal drought assistance yesterday. He might like the campaigning part of this job, but he's got no clue when it comes to governance.

  2. No one is blaming Walker for the weather. There should be a long term plan for this kind of thing, since it is a symptom of climate change.Walker is the governor, so he can do that.

  3. "
    It’s a fricken weather event! Do you think that Scott Walker can wave his hand and change the fricken weather???!!!! "

    You know what Walker is responsible for?

    Subsidizing his pals who want to pave every last inch of Wisconsin, so what rain we do get immediately washes down to Illinois and does us no good.

    You Walkerites really should get yourselves an education some time.
