Sunday, May 13, 2012

Job Creators Abandon Workers And Customers At Mitchell Field

You'll find the 'free' market has rewarded the merger-makers but reduced your options, laid off employees and raised the fares at Mitchell International Airport, reports the Journal Sentinel business staff.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, a lot of it comes directly back to Scott Walker favoring his Harley ride "sponsors" at AirTran over Midwest/Frontier in the late 2000s, and bragging about the airport's short-term gains over building long-term viability and competition at Mtchell Field.

    It's a lot like what he's going to do to Wisconsin if we don't blow him out of power in 23 days. And it's the reason we can't run government like a corporate business, because corporations are always about the next quarter's earnings over doing what's best long-term and for everybody.
