Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Honoring Donald Driver Doesn't Distract From Walker's Dance

Acknowledging Donald Driver's thrilling win on "Dancing With The Stars" with a day in Double D's honor only puts a spotlight on the dance Walker has been performing as a "10," for weeks  - - spinning and ducking away from full disclosures about his legal defense fund, his connection to the John Doe probe and those already charged, the contradictions in what he told Congress under oath about Act 10, and didn't say about the "divide-and-conquer" union-busting plan, and more.


  1. Please please let there be one other person on this planet who does NOT GIVE A SH*T! I regret even knowing this guy's name and that he's (apparently) dancing. I rejoice that I have not seen it personally. Driver Day? omg He does not need a "Day". Besides, it's just another government handout. Where's Austerity when you need it. Smaller Government! I demand deep cuts to the Defense Budget to compensate for the giving out of this Day! Someone appoint a Day Czar immediately.

  2. walker will be appearing on the next season of "the amazing(ly dishonest campaign) race."

  3. I don't care, but am happy for them because it is generally something positive. The good thing is maybe some sports people will start to appreciate dancing.
    Is there really a Driver Day? Too funny.

  4. Obama is the one in charge of czars. You will need to call him.
