Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Add Your Voice To Recall Media

Terrific letter to a small-town newspaper - - The Lakeland Times - - bringing details, with specifics and web addresses for more information about Walkergate to the local readership.
To the Editor:

I am writing this letter to be sure that people in our area are aware of the investigations, charges and convictions that have been going on regarding Scott Walker and his Milwaukee County administration. 
People in the newspaper business know that letters get more readers than editorials.

Now is a good time to compose and send a similar letter to your local paper.


  1. The Lakeland Times is the Fox News of the Northwoods. Gregg "Walker" who inherited his job from his daddy, also bought up the Rhinelander all we get up there is lies and Right Wing bull. You wonder who the 25,000 people who voted for Kim Simac are....they all read those newspapers.

  2. Since my local paper wouldn't publish this, here is my letter to the editor:

    Dear Editor,
    I met Lori Compas while helping collect recall signatures and am working on her campaign for State Senate. Why am I, someone from Madison, spending my free time knocking on doors for a candidate I can’t voter for? As Senate Majority Leader, Scott Fitzgerald decided which bills the Senate could vote on for the 2011-2012 legislative session. Despite all the talk and promises about jobs, he never put a jobs plan on the agenda for discussion or a vote. All Wisconsinites, including those of us from other parts of the state, have suffered because of his lack of focus on jobs. On June 5, you, the citizens of Senate District 13, will have the chance to vote for a candidate who does have a plan to create jobs. Lori Compas has proposed a straight forward, three part plan to help get Wisconsin working again: 1) Make sure that small businesses have the money and support they need to grow; 2) Make sure we have a well prepared workforce by paying for public education; and 3) Make sure that businesses that employ people right here in Wisconsin receive the tax breaks they need to stay here and to thrive.
    Lori has never run for office before but in the past year she has been able to inspire and unite voters from all over Senate District 13 to work together, no matter what their political party, to recall Scott Fitzgerald. I am confident that she will be able to work with both Democrats and Republicans in the Wisconsin State Senate to create jobs and prosperity for all Wisconsinites. On June 5th, I urge you to vote for Lori Compas and not for more empty promises from the incumbent.
