Saturday, April 21, 2012

Walker Issues An Earth Day Proclamation


Though I don't see it listed this morning on the Governor's official website, and this link on The Wheeler Report late Friday afternoon - -  Gov. Walker. Issues Earth Day proclamation - - takes me to a news release principally about a shoreline restoration project, but not to what you'd reasonably call a proclamation about Earth Day.

I'm looking for the "Whereas" and "Now Therefore Be It Resolved, etc...," for example, or perhaps the words "Gaylord" and "Nelson."

What I see is not so much a proclamation about Earth Day, though I do see the words "Earth Day" in a 14-paragraph statement about a project that I am sure is very nice.

Here's the context:
April 20, 2012
For Immediate Release
Contact: Cullen Werwie, 608‐267‐7303
Governor Walker Issues Earth Day Proclamation
Executive Residence Will Also Undergo Shoreline Restoration Project
MADISON – Governor Walker today issued a proclamation for Earth Day and announced that the Executive Residence will also undergo a shoreline restoration thanks to the help of a citizens’ group.
After that, about Earth Day...nada.

More to the point: In fifteen months, Walker has deregulated and otherwise attacked wetlands, wind power, biomass energy, recycling, transit and other resources to degrade Wisconsin's environment and green industries.

Not one day during Walker's term in office has been Earth Day.

Some of this is being documented by the Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters in work that extends beyond the claim to a proclamation. You can work your way to those issues, here.


  1. If that's a proclamation, no wonder he couldn't get a degree.But of course he and Werwie consider the capitol and the executive residence their PRIVATE EARTH. Unfortunately everything out of Walker's mouth is a proclamation, because he's in charge and things happen according to his dictate. He's not a governor, he's a dictator and we're the poor serfs who must do his bidding. UNLESS WE WAKE-UP ON JUNE 5TH.

  2. Shoreline restoration by Walker? Wonder what that will look like.
