Friday, April 13, 2012

Scott Walker, Transparent Manager, Wielder Of Tools - - Or Hypocrite?

Open records surface and teach us more about the Walker 'style.'

Are we learning about Walker management tools like these - - you know, Walker is fond of saying he provides the tools that government needs for smooth efficiency - - says the Democratic Party, after an Open Records request surfaces details of Walker's personal role in hiring two political operatives now charged with campaign work on public time or other felonies? The Dems say the record shows:
New research obtained by the Democratic Party of Wisconsin reveals that Scott Walker alone was responsible for the hire and promotion of Tim Russell and Kelly Rindfleisch, two key figures in the John Doe criminal corruption probe that has, to date, charged six close Walker aides and supporters with 15 felonies, resulted in two convictions and required Scott Walker himself to establish a criminal defense fund.
Or does his handling of the tools and the reins of government thusly speak to his-important pledged transparency?


Or illustrate the ethical standards he said he'd bring to both the County Exec's office and the Governor's Office?

Well, you be the judge.

His website's words:
"Then, after a lot of persuasion and a lot of guts, Scott decided to get into the race for Milwaukee County executive in 2002 on a platform of fiscal conservatism, and returning honesty and integrity to the office of the county executive."
"The culture of government has destroyed the integrity and the idea of public service," said Walker. "My plan seeks to restore the public trust, and instill the confidence that our elected leaders are working for the people," Walker added.
  • All appointed employees will be prohibited from organizing or participating in fundraising for Scott Walker's campaign committee. (100 Day Agenda and Walker's current policy in county government) 


  1. Interesting that Walker was the only signature on that document. I wonder who filled out the job classification AMD pay scale.

  2. "My rules don't apply to me"- Rule Number 1 of any Republican.

    When you tie the Dems' Open Records Request to Rindfleisch's own testimony and appeal this week, it's clear that Walker hired Rindfleisch, and Rindfleisch was only going to serve until the end of Walker's guv campaign.

    C'mon Chisholm, just drop the bomb already! It's all right there in front of you.
