Friday, April 20, 2012

How Walker Can Say Koch's $1 Million Isn't Out-Of-State Money

Because Koch interests have already taken over Wisconsin. So count this disclosure by Dan Bice as news of an in-state contribution, no?
David Koch, the billionaire supporter of conservative causes, told a Florida paper earlier this year that he would be doing what he could to help Gov. Scott Walker win the recall election.
"We're helping him, as we should. We've gotten pretty good at this over the years," Koch said. "We've spent a lot of money in Wisconsin. We're going to spend more."
Here's further proof:
Koch personally gave $1 million earlier this year to the Republican Governors Association, which is running ads statewide supporting Walker and criticizing the top two Democratic candidates - Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett and former Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk.

1 comment:

  1. Just curious, I am sure you have issues with George Soros too, correct?
