Thursday, March 15, 2012

Walker's Amazing Wednesday Multi-Tasking That Apparently Never Was

Pardon my confusion.

It started late Wednesday when I saw a link to, and posted about Scott Walker's Wednesday fund-raising stop at "the ATM of American politics" in Palm Beach, Florida, as the local one-percenters call it.

It was definitely our Scott Walker. That's him in a Palm Beach Daily News story online  photographed in a grey jacket addressing the Palm Beach Town Council and congratulating them Wednesday for reducing public employee compensation.

The headline:  

Scott Walker praises Town Council for leadership cutting employee pension

Always the union-basher. Scotty one-note.

The paper also reported that Walker also had a $200,000+ fund-raising luncheon there on Wednesday.

But wait - - here he is pictured at the State Journal online in a dark business suit with a story posted early Thursday morning with this headline: Walker says unions trying to sabotage government reforms and ledes with: "Gov. Scott Walker said Wednesday..."

From Florida? Was he on speaker there back to Wisconsin?

Did Walker phone it in to the State Journal before jetting off to Florida? Did he check in from the plane, or upon his return to the Capitol office for late-night interviews to run early in the Wisconsin media Thursday?

Oh, wait - - I see it now, in paragraph four:

"Walker spokesman Cullen Werwie said," and the story has to do with Walker's push against unions here - - and the photo is a file shot shot of Walker at the Capitol, etc. etc.

Mystery solved. I think.


  1. Unbelievable arrogance.

    For the last few days I have been pondering his wife's comment about going back to a job in the private sector.

    I think I have come up with one that should fit him just fine. Meets the private sector requirement. And will address his arrogance.

    Stamping out license plates.

  2. And I thought Werwie was in the witness protection program.
