Saturday, March 17, 2012

Quick, Wisconsin: Name This Anti-DNR Commentator

Who said this?
For example, people who go to work for the DNR's land, waste, and water bureaus tend to be anti-development, anti-transportation, and pro-garter snakes, karner blue butterflies, etc...This is in their nature; their make-up and DNA. So, since they're unelected bureaucrats who have only their cubicle walls to bounce ideas off of, they tend to come up with some pretty outrageous stuff that those of us in the real world have to contend with.
That would be Cathy Stepp, Scott Walker's appointee as...DNR Secretary.

Yes, that Cathy Stepp, whose "outrageous stuff that those of us in the real world have to contend with" has been all over the media in the last week.

1 comment:

  1. Stepp's DNA has been corrupted. So much so that environmental rape in the name of corporate greed is her first priority.
