Tuesday, March 20, 2012

No Cassius He, Justice Gableman Finds Fault Elsewhere

State Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman gave a talk about the state of the State Supreme Court and how to to improve it, but in the same speech undermined his call for greater public faith in the court and collegiality among the Justices.

Key to his analysis and its internal contradictions - - a lengthy and self-serving criticism of former Justice Louis Butler, whom Gableman already defeated, plus closing some currently-open court meetings and ending Shirley Abrahamson's tenure as Chief Justice.

Scapegoating, finger-pointing and hiding behind closed doors are petty, personality-driven moves that discourage public confidence in a deeply-divided Supreme Court.

1 comment:

  1. Gableman lost any chance of me ever respecting him. what a self serving, partisan rant.The only redeeming quality was his comment about the constitution and how the people know more what's best for the state than a small group of legislators. Maybe the republicans should have heeded that advice and they ignore the Trust Doctrine.
