Thursday, February 23, 2012

Foul! Watch State Rep. Joel Kleefisch (R) Vote For An Absent Colleague

Voting fraud?

Get the man from Oconomowoc a Sandhill crane rib-eye steak.


  1. I thought voter ID was supposed to stop that sort of thing...

  2. More victimization of Joel Kleefisch that poor poor man.....

  3. I just love his on-camera whine to WTMJ about how he and wife are targets of a recall, and people are trying to catch him at anything they can--it's shameful, I say, SHAMEFUL! (not a direct quote). Knowing that he's being watched, now wouldn't that make him toe the line ever-more-carefully? Nope. This big bad boy is never gonna change HIS ways!
    What I'd like to know is for whom did he place the vote--who is seated to his immediate left?
    And didja notice he was going to place a 3rd vote (2 seats to his left) but another guy got there first? Who is that legislator and who is that illegal voter?

  4. He must have known that pressing another's buttons was illegal or at least unethical: I've never seen him move that fast.**

    **Caveat: Of course I've never seen him on one end of a room with Sandhill Crane ribeye on the other end, either.

  5. Did you see the Republicons laughing at his actions? And then he looks up to see the camera. I know this is done all the time but he got caught! And when you profess the evils of voter fraud, well watch your back JOEY!
