Thursday, January 5, 2012

Walker Needs To Explain His Repeated Trust In Tim Russell

The criminal complaint attached to the Journal Sentinel story outlines Walker's history with the now-charged Tim Russell, lays out the many jobs Russell had and leaves open to question Walker's decision on p. 7 to put Russell in a position through a formal organization transfer - - and that helped enable the misuse of funds.

A document photocopied into the complaint shows Walker and Russell having each signed the transfer.

That shows a substantial level of trust.

If Russell was a go-to guy, and didn't get a job in the Walker state administration, when and why did he become a run-from-fellow?


  1. If Russell was a go-to guy, and didn't get a job in the Walker state administration, when and why did he become a run-from-fellow?

    ... Probably when they suspected him of embezzlement

  2. Had to have been pretty recent, because Russell and his partner bought a house in Sun Prairie right after the election.

    The best part to me is when you combine the complaint with this 2010 article where Russell says he has no clue where the missing money is. According to the complaint, he'd been stealing from Operation Freedom for months!
