Sunday, January 29, 2012

Walker In Rare "Half True" PolitiFact Territory, But Hold Your Applause

The Journal Sentinel's rating service finds Walker's language about budgets and taxes in a recall push-back ad to be "half-true."

Walker partisans may be turning handstands over "half true," since his total PolitiFact record is in "false" categories more often than scorings with the word "true" - - by a 2:1 margin.

Walker's statements by ruling

Click on the ruling to see all of Walker's statements for that ruling.

And try that "half-true" standard with the John Doe prosecutor and judge and see how far that gets ya.

1 comment:

  1. Since the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is a highly partisan paper PolitiFact should give its franchise to a real Wisconsin newspaper.
    Imagine what the numbers would look like then.
