Thursday, January 12, 2012

Walker Gets "Full Flop" On Employment Data

PolitiFact finds that Scott Walker loved employment data and the methodologies used to collect them when the numbers made him look good, but criticized them when joblessness kept increasing on his watch.

In this branch of the PolitiFact ratings, that gets Walker a "full flop."

Walker took credit for gains in state jobs for six months of 2011, as the monthly reports showed steady progress toward his promise of creating 250,000 jobs. In the second half of the year, the numbers began to decline and the governor’s approach shifted, with Walker in December criticizing the quality of the data.

But nothing had changed in how the data was collected.

Only Walker’s pronouncements on their accuracy. We rate this a Full Flop.


  1. Should have been a pants on fire rating.

  2. Yep - like a bluegill on a frozen Wisconsin lake.

  3. It's more like a blatant lie to me. Tell me: where is the flip here or are they making up a new category. So what he said was a total flop?
