Monday, January 2, 2012

Sensenbrenner Put Down Hard In Washington Post

The Washington Post catches up its post-holiday readers with a deserved Jim Sensenbrenner smack down for besmirching Michelle Obama.

One of my posts about it had a photo worth 1,000 words.


  1. Java Butt will continue to feal the fury of women offended by his trashy remark. Make fun of a woman's body, better watch out.

  2. "He doesn’t think the government should be telling Americans what to eat."

    Even if government were "telling" people what to eat, compliance isn't mandatory: it's obvious that he eats whatever he wants--and lots of it.

  3. I notice that his remarks about the First Lady's fat butt are offensive, but your( and other liberals') remarks about Sensenbrenner's fat body aren't equally offensive. An interesting double standard.
