Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Robin Vos Could Bear The Burden Of More Constitutional Clean-Up

The Republican Assemblyman from Rochester, already on record saying the Wisconsin Constitution's recall provisions give people too much power- - though it sure worked for Scott Walker as he ascended to Milwaukee County Exec - -  may feel obliged to remove another pesky Constitutional provision that has added another asterisk after Supreme Court Justice Mike Gableman's name.

After all, if the voters or their representatives can hold Gableman or Walker accountable, the same thing could happen to other elected officials, too!

Reports the Journal Sentinel:
A Democratic legislator circulated a resolution Wednesday to remove state Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman from office because he ruled on cases involving a law firm that provided him legal services without charging him for them.

The resolution relies on a little-known provision of the state constitution that allows the Legislature to remove judges from office by a two-thirds vote. The measure has little chance of passage and injects a partisan element into the debate over Gableman's arrangement with the law firm Michael Best & Friedrich.
Clearly this "Wisconsin Constitution" goes too far in conferring rights, as Vos already said in the afore-mentioned piece:
One day after recall elections targeting state Republicans were held, Rep. Robin Vos announced an effort to "recall the recall elections."

Vos, R-Rochester, said he is drafting an amendment to the state constitution that would require petitioners give a specific reason - such as a criminal conviction or ethics violation - before mounting a recall effort.

"I don't want recalls to become the norm," Vos said.

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