Sunday, January 8, 2012

Republican Governor, Big-City Midwestern Mayor Agree On Light Rail

Great news, just not in Wisconsin.

Here, the Republican Governor, long an opponent of Amtrak, light rail, commuter rail and no doubt Thomas the Train Engine is using surrogates to do the dirty work.

Who'd have thought we could be schooled by highway-obsessed Detroit and Michigan's Walkeresque Governor?

Maybe The Motor Cycle has fewer right-wing radio hosts per square mile than Milwaukee.

And when you want high-profile action on behalf of bicycle travel, again do not look to Wisconsin.

1 comment:

  1. Back when I was in college, the engineering departments were about 1/3rd Republican.

    No more.

    I challenge Scooter and his ilk to visit eng--schools anywhere and see for themselves why they are reviled at this point.
