Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Industry-Led Transportation Speakers Lined Up For Jan. 12th Hearing

Here's where a special state transportation financing and planning commission (read: more highway-building) two-stage hearing will take place tomorrow - - led off by a long list of "interest groups" followed separately by interested citizens later in the day.
Testimony of Transportation Interest Groups:
Thursday, January 12, 2012 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Hill Farms State Transportation Building 4802 Sheboygan Avenue, Room 364 Madison, Wisconsin
The vox populi will also be heard later that day, and elsewhere around the state, WisDOT says:
5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Public Listing Session Madison Public Library – Sequoya Branch 4340 Tokay Boulevard Madison, Wisconsin.
The January 12 Madison meeting represents the first of four planned public listening sessions the Commission is holding around the state over the next several months.

Other listening sessions are planned for March 22 in Milwaukee, April 26 in Appleton and May 31 in Eau Claire.

Prior to each public listening session, the Commission will hold its regular meeting in that community.

People unable to attend a listening session are invited to send comments to the Commission via e-mail at:

More information about the Commission, its members, public listening session and meeting schedule and locations can be found on the WisDOT web site at:

For more information, contact
Peg Schmitt, WisDOT Office of Public Affairs
(608) 266-7744,


  1. re: commission member from EC Ayres Assoc. Just anecdotally I don't see a lot of perception of them as "big biz bad guys" around here. More like an extension of local govt, brainiac infrastructure experts etc. You see the name on every project, bridge, etc. If you see "Ayres recommends..." people tend to do it. IMO a vestige of the "professional government" ideology of earlier decades when it was perceived as "modern" and "better living thru science"-y, rather than "special interest"-y. Ayres is a name synonymous with govt., founder of Ayres was DOT Sec w/ Dreyfus
    I think Papa had them on speed dial. Anyways. I doubt this guy will be seen as a prob by anyone but my favorite local bike lobbyist. The "culture" within and round Ayres that I have seen is that they are "working for the Greater Good". In short, the Fitz bro was clever in appointing a trusted Ayres fella to his commission.

  2. btw
    as a child I had this book (among other parentally-provided indoctrination materials)
    "Make Way For The Thruway"
    which glorified highway construction and the mighty hero-men in charge of it.
    LOL awesome stuff
    Hey! you should probably read it and get your head straightened around ya damn hippy tree-hugger
