Monday, December 19, 2011

Work Added In Wisconsin: A Walker Success Story!

Long hours, weekends needed for government workers processing gun carry permits.


  1. I think Walker made have added at least a temporary job at Marquette...there was a guy I've never seen before putting up 'Weapons Prohibited' signs at all the campus building entrances.

  2. And add it to another in the long line of Walker/ WisGOP examples of acting without thinking of what'll need to be done next.

    They really do live by talk-radio soundbite, which is a guaranteed FAILURE as a way to govern.

  3. Don't forget the anticipated GAB temps being hired to check the petitions.

  4. Remember to add the extra police officers for all the shootings that will happen as soon as CCW is passed... er.. wait, it has passed and there are no shootings.

  5. To RD: Let's hope you don't have to eat those words.
