Saturday, December 24, 2011

Walker's Ad Pitchman Is Informercial King

Turns out that the guy pitching Walker's economic plans in one of those slick pre-recall ads is a TV informercial specialist who make a lot of products in China.

Here's what the businessman's website says they're selling:
...we’ve built recognizable brands such as the Jack LaLanne Power Juicer, Montel Williams Living Well HealthMaster & HealthMaster Elite, Joan Rivers Great Hair Day & Right to Bare Legs, Ab Coaster Max, The Rack Workout, Absolute Frizz Control, Milana Bra and the Genie Bra. Learn more about our award-winning products.


  1. I'll be waitin' to count on the fingers of one the number of jobs Rebholz generates when he decides to "expand our workforce here in in Wisconsin."

  2. I'm wondering if sales of the Genie Bra have created more jobs at CVS?

  3. Sales of those Banjo Minnows must be real hot at the Cathy Nicholas Bait Shop.

    Big job producer at bait shops all over Wisconsin no doubt.
